Israel-Malta Chamber
of Commerce
The Israel-Malta Chamber of Commerce, established in 2018, is dedicated to the promotion and enhancement of two-way trade and investment between Israel and Malta.
In recent years we are fortunate to witness closer relations between Israel and Malta at all levels. Of special importance are visits of high-level government officials, Israeli Fintech operations in Malta, and an impressive number of Israeli tourists who enjoy Malta.
The opportunities for businesses in both countries are enormous. We believe that better understanding and the ongoing exchange of information and visits will expose such opportunities to a wider audience and bring about many more business success stories.

Upcoming Events
- יום ג׳, 15 במרץhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84709145837?pwd=T
Our Leaders
Our Board Members: Prof. Aharon Geva-Kleinberger, Abraham Rosental, Amos Drori, Aharon Hildesheimer, Itai Rafael, Guy Amran, Daniel Blankleder, Pini Schiff, Natan Shaked, Sheila Fride

Our Inauguration Ceremony
A demonstration of friendship

Welcome our old-new Ambassador!
The Hon. Cecilia Attard-Pirotta

A Business Delegation to Malta
The best way to meet our colleagues
“Whatever the Problem, Community is the Answer”